Tuesday, September 21, 2004

What IS This?

What is this blog all about, you may ask? Well...this is my first one, so I suppose we'll discover the answer to that together. My co-worker told me that I could rant and rave about NCAA Football...FIGHT ON TROJANS! So you may see a little of that. I love musicals and see more shows than my pocketbook would wish...so there may be some reviews here as well.

I guess it will be filled with whatever I feel like writing when I remember that I have a blog. Since this is my first entry, I suppose there won't be much for you to read...so take a look at the sidebar and spend some time listening to my radio station on LAUNCH in order to occupy your time. It's a mix of Show Tunes, Christian Music...and an occassional 80's Pop Tune for nostalgia's sake...so have at it, and let me know what you think!

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